Monday, April 24, 2006

It's the little things

Nothing political- or beer-related today. No, just some life milestones for those that care (and if ya don't, well that's too bad.) Briefly, Adrian (9 months on the 25th) is making all sorts of progress. I mentioned earlier that he's crawling, well he also just started pulling himself up with ease, pointing, waving, eating finger food and generally loving life. He also has two teeth!

I'll get some pictures of Dylan up in a day or two, but at 3 1/2 the landmark things just aren't as cute (spelling, jumping on one foot, singing ALL THE TIME).

In other family news, I'm an uncle! My sister gave birth to Liam Webster Conley on Saturday morning. Weighing in at 6 lbs 9 oz, he is doing great. Congratulations, Molly and Sean!

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