Monday, March 06, 2006

Full Service Bar

In addition to the engrossing and insightful commentary at Capitol Brew-haha, I also try to keep your interest piqued with reviews of various CDs making their way through my stereo, and enjoyable polls about beer and politics because I care what you think and what you're drinking. These features are available to your left.

You may have noticed this little icon:

But probably not because only a few readers have scrolled down that far to take the poll. It links to a statistics page, and in the interest of disclosure you should know I'm watching you. Actually I just think its cool to know how many people are stumbling upon my ramblings, and more interestingly, where they are coming from. This, and much much more, is information that every website receives from your computer server each time it visits a site. Most sites collect this information privately, but that's not my style. It's pretty interesting stuff, and I just think you should know that I know. And now you know too.

And now I feel better.

Neko Case's new album Fox Confessor Brings the Flood comes out tomorrow. If you don't know Neko, then you need to. Think Patsy Cline meets David Lynch (if you love David Lynch you should check out this page). While able to belt out the best renditions of Loretta Lynn, Emmy Lou Harris and traditional gospel songs, her originals will send shivers down your spine. She has not a bad album (although The Virginian is a little rough around the edges), and her new one is one of my most anticipated in a long time. You're also in luck, as she'll be at First Avenue on March 29. A review of the album and show will be forthcoming.

Finally, another plug for precinct caucuses, if you live in Minnesota. Tomorrow night. Locations for DFL caucuses can be found here.


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